

When I look at my painting I feel closer to the spiritual world. A piece of mind. I feel closer to my angels. It’s a step closer to heaven. After looking at it for a little while I just knew that the painting should be called “Freedom”. Imagine my surprise when Lena told me that she had got the same name for it while she was meditating on it earlier that same day!                                                                                                                                                        

 Helena, Ösmo, Sweden
20×20 cm, acrylic on canvas



I felt that this painting touched something deep inside me and I started to cry. It was the exact right colours for me at the time. They were very significant as I was trying to stand up for myself and follow my intuition. The painting was like a confirmation of the inner work that I was doing;
Blue – Our way of expressing ourselves, dare to say no and stand up for ourselves and our opinions.
Indigo – Our intuition, clarity, to dare to follow our gut feeling when making a decision.
Purple – Our contact with cosmos.

Helen, Smålandsstenar, Sweden

20x20 cm acrylic on canvas